The Hotlist: Where to Volunteer in Alexandria

ALEXANDRIA, VA-Below find the latest volunteer opportunities in Alexandria. To volunteer, register online at
Saturday, September 14, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Gardening at Friends of Guest House — Get their garden ready for fall by wedding, mulching, planning, raking and mowing to beautify their outdoor space.
Saturday, September 21, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Assist at Friends and Family Day — Set-up, monitor games and activities, serve food, and more at the annual Friends of Guest House Friends and Family Day.
Wednesday, September 25, Volunteer at a Recovery Month Event — The City of Alexandria will hold an event to commemorate National Recovery Month and needs volunteers to set-up, guide traffic, monitor games, and provide support.
Saturday, September 28, Volunteer at a Brewery Event — ASLIN Beer Company is commemorating their 9th anniversary and needs volunteers to help with their celebration. Volunteers would assist with admission, cleaning, games, and would receive a free shirt and beer samples.
Saturday, September 28, 6 to 10 p.m., Volunteer at a Classical Music Concert — Check tickets, greet patrons, distribute programs, or clean-up with the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra at the NOVA Alexandria campus.
Sunday, September 29, Noon to 4 p.m., Register Families for Holiday Sharing — Help register families for the holiday toy drive at the Department of Community & Human Services. Spanish speakers are encouraged to volunteer.
Help Fix Bikes for ACPS Students — Help pump tires, perform basic bicycle maintenance, and transport bikes to shops for Alexandria City Public School students.
Tutor K-5 Students After School — The LINK Club at Brent Place Apartments is looking for volunteers who can tutor elementary school students on reading and math once a week.
Be A Book Buddy for an Elementary School Student — The Alexandria Tutoring Consortium is looking for volunteers to tutor kindergarteners, 1st, or 2nd graders for 1 or 2 sessions a week during the school day. Training, materials, and support.
Skills Connect Projects (Use your professional skills to help an organization with a short-term project).
outh and Family Volunteer Opportunities – for ages 6 to 18. Visit
SEE ALSO: Alexandrians Asked About Health Issues, Priorities in Community-Wide Survey