On Exhibit: Del Ray Artists Out of Their Comfort Zone

For the Del Ray Artisans: New Faces and New Beginnings
By Kelly MacConomy
There were more than two sides and three dimensions to Alexandria art aficionado Kenneth Krupa when he attended the opening of the “New Beginnings” exhibit on February 1 at Del Ray Artisans Gallery while carrying the January issue of Zebra.
Mr. Krupa, a regular DRA patron, proudly displayed the photo of the back of his own head facing one of the many intriguing, artful portraits on display in “Faces,” DRA’s January exhibit. “Faces” closed January 27 and was followed by the inspiring upcycling-themed “New Beginnings” exhibit, with Tracy Wilkerson curating.

In March, Del Ray Artisans featured a member-only show spotlighting works drawn from the artistic daydream pipeline. “For the Artist” showcased a theme-free exhibit where the breadth of subject was bound only by the long-held expressive ruminations of member artists’ collective imagination and creative musing.
The call for entry challenged applicants to make that one piece they had always wanted to create. Curated by Jeff Lodge and Jenny Nicholson, the show transported the viewer to places where artwork boldly dared to go and where the artists had never gone before.
This month’s exhibit at the Del Ray Artisan’s Gallery, “(No) Comfort Zone,” is a member-only and high-school student show curated by DRA Director of Fundraising Events/Board Member Joe Franklin and Kelli Schollard-Sincock. Kelli is a Reston-based forensic sketch artist and freelance interdisciplinary artist who voluntarily runs an inmate outreach program at the City Detention Center. A self-proclaimed “Art Instructor for the Incarcerated,” Kelli organized an exhibit last July at the Torpedo Factory called “Off the Grid,” featuring the art of some of her inmate students.

Kelli’s efforts with men and women in dire straits complement the metaphysical theme of the “(No) Comfort Zone” show. Exploring “the new, the unknown, the unfamiliar and the uncertain,” the artists take their existential angst to the edge and into another dimension.
“(No) Comfort Zone” is on exhibit at Del Ray Artisans through April 28. The opening reception is Friday, April 5 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend.