Senior Services of Alexandria Presents Senior Law Day 2024

Alexandria, VA – Senior Services of Alexandria and the Alexandria Bar Association are returning for Senior Law Day 2024! This popular and informative event brings together community partners to discuss topics that older adults need to know about to ensure they are protected as they age.
“Protecting Ourselves as We Age: Essential Personal and Financial Strategies,” will take place at the First Baptist Church, 2932 King Street, Alexandria, on Saturday, June 8, from 9:00 am to 12 Noon, with registration at 8:30.
The presentations will include a panel on protecting yourself against scams, such as investment fraud, imposter scams, online shopping scams, fake prices, sweepstakes, and lottery scams. Speakers include Kathy Stokes, AARP’s Director of Fraud Prevention Programs; Alexandria Sheriff Sean Casey; and a personal testimony from SSA Board Member Bill Watts.
Reports estimate that financial fraud affecting older adults totals $3 billion annually. Fraud committed by people known to the victim is said to result in an average loss per incident of $120,000. The problem appears to be growing, and today’s technology can result in catastrophic issues for older Americans.*
Another panel will address issues we all face when deciding where to live and making end-of-life decisions. Speakers include Kim Cadena, City’s Office of Housing; Jim Zaleswski, Managing Partner, Everly Wheatley Funeral Home and Crematory; and Lindsay Hutter, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer with Goodwin Living.
The third panel will feature two elder-care attorneys: Gretchyn Meinken, a Partner at Friedman Grimes Meinken & Leischner, PLLC, and Elizabeth Crego with Legal Services of Northern Virginia. They will discuss documents everyone should have in place, including wills, powers of attorney, and advanced directives.
There will be community partners, including local attorneys, healthcare companies, and city organizations, available with literature and staff to talk to you about services and programs available to older adults.
Senior Law Day is free and open to the public. Please register by emailing [email protected] or call SSA’s Office at 703-836-4414, ext. 110. We look forward to seeing you at Senior Law Day!
*US Wealth Management Online newsletter article entitled “Elder fraud: Common scams and preventive steps to take.”
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