Alexandria Residents Invited to Join Virtual Campaign to Help At-Risk Children
ALEXANDRIA, VA – SCAN of Northern Virginia, short for Stop Child Abuse Now, is concerned for vulnerable children and their families during the pandemic. A news release indicates that stress associated with economic and other challenges puts children at higher risk for abuse and neglect, which could reach “historic levels.”
The Hope Is Here Campaign, launched earlier today, aims to virtually “raise awareness of the impact of isolation, virtual education, and economic disaster” and how each can affect families negatively. During this time, SCAN says that there can be an “absence” in protective factors, which can endanger children.
“People are becoming fatigued by the thought of attending another virtual event,” said Leah Fraley, SCAN’s Executive Director. “Raising awareness about unreported child abuse is far too important. We must continue to work to give those children a better home – a better life. I know from experience.”
Unable to hold their annual fundraiser because of the pandemic, SCAN created the Hope Is Here Campaign. Looking to a future where all children can grow up healthy and happy, SCAN will be contacting Northern Virginia residents in a number of ways – by mailbox, inbox and phone – to join the effort.
The campaign’s name is intended to let families know that difficult situations can improve. Change starts with hope and their belief in it. To become a part of the campaign, click HERE.
Note: Cover photo on Zebra himepage courtesy of SCAN