Alexandria to Host 2018 World Indoor Rowing Championships
WIRC moves to Alexandria after 36 years in Boston
ALEXANDRIA, VA – The Alexandria Crew Boosters are excited to announce that ACB will host the 37th Annual World Indoor Rowing Championships in conjunction with the 31st Annual Mid-Atlantic Erg Sprints in February 2018.
“ACB is honored that when the WIRC was looking to relocate, Alexandria and the Mid-Atlantic Erg Sprints was their first choice,” explained ACB President Michael Souza. “I’m sure our success and reputation for running professional and organized events over the years likely contributed to Concept 2’s decision to approach ACB about hosting the WIRC.”
“We are thrilled to be hosting the World Indoor Rowing Championships in Alexandria next year,” stated race coordinator Lisa Zickar. “The DMV – the District, Maryland and Virginia – has a proud history in the sport of rowing. We’ve held top competitions, and played host to some of the top athletes from up and down the East Coast. We look forward to holding the World Indoor Rowing Championships in Alexandria and playing host to some of the top rowers from across America and other countries, as well.”
The competition will be held at TC Williams High School in Alexandria over the weekend of February 17 and 18. Saturday’s events will feature races for junior rowers, while Sunday’s events will feature races for collegiate, masters, and adaptive rowers. Zickar noted that the WIRC will be held in conjunction with the annual Erg Sprints competition that has been held in Alexandria since 1986 and has grown to become the second largest indoor rowing competition in the world. She further noted that several popular events from the Erg Sprints – including the marathon and half marathon, 20- and 30-minute races, relays, parent-child races, and 500 meter sprints – will continue to be held.
Mark Eisenhour, Director of Student Activities at host venue TC Williams High School, welcomed the addition of the World Indoor Rowing Championships to the annual Erg Sprints competition. “TC Williams, the home of the Titans, is thrilled to host these championship events. The welcome mat is out for these outstanding athletes.”
The WIRC is sponsored by Concept2, a leading manufacturer of rowing and other ergonomic products located in Morrisville, Vermont, and has been held in Boston since it began in 1980.
Additional details will be posted at as they are finalized, and registration will begin in mid-October on