Foodie Newz

Le Diner en Blanc is Returning to DC!

It's the hottest ticket in town!

Alexandria, VA —  A special pop-up is coming back on September 9. Le Diner en Blanc, the iconic Parisian-inspired ur­ban picnic with its all white dress code by invitation only will appear in a sur­prise DC location. Guests dressed in white will enjoy an evening of dining, social­izing, and celebrating amid music, entertainment, and dancing.

Diner en Blanc
Diner en Blanc is celebrated in Washington DC. (Courtesy photo)

Le Diner en Blanc requires from the participants, an exemplary citizenship and discipline. Here are the main rules:

● Rain or shine, guests are expected.
● Exude Elegance … in white. Originality is encouraged, as long as it remains elegant and tasteful.
● Bring your own table, chairs, and picnic basket.
● Follow the Volunteer Leader’s instructions.
● Arrive and leave with your Leader. Nobody arrives at the site on their own.
● Drink responsibly. Champagne or wine only. No spirits or beer.
● Clean up: Take all your garbage with you and clean the area around your table.

If you have ever wanted to join in the festivi­ties, you must get an invi­tation by registering on the official website, washing­ and clicking on the Register tab.

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