Community News

Fort Ward to be Revitalized

The consultant firm The Design Minds of Fairfax, Virginia has been selected to prepare an Interpretive Plan for Fort Ward Park, focusing on the unusual history of one of the City’s most significant parklands.

While proposals were fielded from across the United States, the local firm was selected for its commitment to authenticity and stakeholder engagement, and innovative approach to the development of other interpretive plans at the Albuquerque and Wyoming State Museums, and the McLeod Plantation in Charleston, South Carolina.

The interpretive plan includes recreational areas, a former Union Fort dating from the Civil War, and a Post-Civil War African-American community called “The Fort.” The interpretive plan will be executed over the next eighteen months, in conjunction with the Fort Ward Interpretive Plan Committee, comprised of community stakeholders that has already been established


Photo courtesy of the Office of Historic Alexandria

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