School NewsZebra Misc


SC--Item 6--Maury Dad programFathers of students at Matthew Maury Elementary School are invited to join an innovative program that encourages the involvement of fathers and father figures in schools. The program, called WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students), was brought to Maury this year by Principal Lucretia Jackson and PTA President Brittany Fraser. The dads who participate provide positive male role models for the students and serve as an extra set of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.

There’s been great success with 13 “Dogs” that have already served a day in the school and 17 more who are scheduled to volunteer in the near future. There has been a noticeable impact on the students because of this program, and more volunteers are looking to get involved as they hear from their own children about their experiences with the “Dogs.” Contact the school at 703-706-4440 to find out how to get involved.

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