School News

T.C. Williams College-Bound Students

Decision Day at TC WilliamsA total of 331 students from T.C. Williams are college-bound in the fall, including several who have made it into the top colleges in the United States. Students from T.C. Williams will be attending Princeton – currently ranked as the U.S. #1 college in the National University Rankings; Stanford – ranked as #4; Dartmouth College – ranked as #12; Vanderbilt and Cornell Universities – ranked equally as #15; University of California in Berkley – ranked #20; and Emory – ranked #21.

A total of 31 students will be attending the University of Virginia in the fall and 50 students will be attending Virginia Tech.

Alabama A&M University (1); Alabama State University (1); American University (3); Appalachian State University (1); Arizona State University (2); Ashland University (1); Averett University (3); Barnard College  (1); Barry University (1); Bates College (1); Bowie State University (3); Bridgewater College (3); Bucknell University (1); Butler University (1); Centre College (1); Chowan University (1); Christopher Newport University (15); Clark Atlanta University(3); Clemson University (1); College of the Holy Cross (1); College of William and Mary (12); Cornell University (1); Dartmouth College (1); Davidson College (1); Delaware State University (3); Dickinson College (1); Drexel University (1); Eastern Mennonite University (1); Elon University (2); Emmanuel College (1); Emory University (1); Ferrum College(5); Florida A&M University (1); Franklin Pierce University (1); George Mason University (18); Hamilton College – NY (1); Hampden-Sydney College (1); Hampton University (15); High Point University (3); Hobart and William Smith Colleges (1); Hofstra University (1); Hollins University (1); Howard University (1); Indiana University at Bloomington (2); Indiana University of Pennsylvania (1); James Madison University (58); Johnson & Wales University (North Miami) (1); Lafayette College (1); Liberty University (1); Livingstone College (1); Longwood University (3); Louisiana State University (1); Loyola Marymount University (1); Macalester College (2); Marietta College (1); Mary Baldwin College (3); Marymount University (14); Miami University, Oxford (1); Millersville University of Pennsylvania (1); Mississippi State University (1); Monroe College (1); Morehouse College (1); Morgan State University (2); Mount St. Mary’s University (1); NCAA Eligibility Center(1); Norfolk State University (9); North Carolina A&T State University (4); North Carolina Central University (3); Northeastern University (1); Northern Virginia Community College – Alexandria Campus (142); Norwich University (1); Occidental College (1); Old Dominion University (70); Pennsylvania State University – All Campuses (3); Pepperdine University (1); Philander Smith College (1); Potomac State College of West Virginia University (1); Prescott College (1); Princeton University (1); Radford University (16); Randolph College (2); Randolph-Macon College (3); Richard Bland College (1); Richmond The American International College in London (1); Roanoke College (3); Saint Augustine’s University (2); Sewanee: The University of the South (1); Shenandoah University (3); South Carolina State University (2); Southern Methodist University (1); Southern University at New Orleans (1); Spelman College (3); St. Edward’s University (1); Stanford University (1); SUNY Maritime College    (1); Swarthmore College (1); Sweet Briar College (2); Temple University (1); Texas A&M University (1); The American University of Paris (1); The George Washington University (2); The University of Akron(1); The University of Alabama (1); The University of Georgia (3); The University of Iowa (1); The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1); The University of Tampa (1); Tidewater Community College (1); Towson University (1); Tuskegee University (1); Union College (1); University of California, Berkeley (1); University of California, Los Angeles (1); University of Colorado at Boulder (1); University of Delaware (1); University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1); University of Kentucky (1); University of Mary Washington (10); University of Maryland, Baltimore County (1); University of Maryland, Eastern Shore (3); University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1); University of Miami (2); University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (1); University of New England (1); University of North Florida (1); University of Notre Dame (1); University of Oregon (1); University of Pittsburgh(3); University of Richmond (1); University of South Carolina (2); University of South Florida, Tampa (1); University of Southern California (1); University of St. Andrews (1); University of the District of Columbia (1);University of Valley Forge (1); University of Virginia (31); University of Virginia’s College at Wise (2); University of Wisconsin, Madison (1); Vanderbilt University (1); Virginia Commonwealth University (84); Virginia Commonwealth University (School of Business) (1); Virginia State University (14); Virginia Tech (50); Virginia Tech (Pamplin College of Business) (2); Virginia Union University (5); Virginia University of Lynchburg (2); Virginia Wesleyan College (2); Wake Forest University (3); Washington and Lee University (1); West Virginia State University (7); West Virginia University (6); Winston-Salem State University (4); Xavier University (1); Xavier University of Louisiana (1).




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