
Burke & Herbert Bank Launches Video Contest for Teens

Christina Alvino, Burke & Herbert Bank Branch Manager; Araba Brobbey, Burke & Herbert Bank Principal Vice President; Jill Fox; 2017 Burke & Herbert winner, Dylan Fox; and Andrew Fox. Courtesy photo.

$5,000 grand prize in national Lights, Camera, Save! competition

For the firth year, Burke & Herbert Bank is accepting submissions to the Lights, Camera, Save! video contest. The contest, organized by the American Bankers Association Foundation, is a national competition that encourages teens to use video to inspire their peers to become lifelong savers. To participate, students (ages 13-18) must create a video, 90-seconds or less, on saving and using money wisely and submit a link to the video along with a completed entry form to the bank by December 3.

Burke & Herbert Bank will complete the first round of judging and select a winner to compete on the national level for a prize up to $5,000, plus a scholarship for a teacher at their school to attend the annual Jump$tart National Educator Conference. Burke & Herbert Bank is rewarding the top three local winners with $350, $100, and $50, respectively as well as awarding a $50 gift card to each of their sponsoring teachers.

Dylan Fox, last year’s winner of the Lights, Camera, Save! competition – his winning film will be shown at the 2018 Alexandria Film Festival. Courtesy photo.

“We are excited about promoting the Lights, Camera, Save! contest again this year and about motivating more students to get engaged with financial literacy,” said Terry Cole, Executive Vice President at Burke & Herbert Bank. “It is so important for teens to learn the value of saving and using money wisely and this video contest provides a fun and unique way to do that — with messaging created by students for students.”

Videos will be judged on their quality, message, content and the criteria set forth by the contest’s official rules. Entry forms and more information can be found at To learn more visit

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