Mom or Dad is in Jail but Their Kids Aren’t: Can You Help Sheriff Dana Lawhorne with Operation Elf?

Mom or Dad might be in jail this Christmas. Heck, maybe they were in jail last Christmas too. It’s not the kids’ fault, and Alexandria Sheriff Dana Lawhorne knows that, which is why he is 100% behind Operation Elf.
Operation Elf is the community service holiday project to provide gifts for children of incarcerated parents. The Inmate Programs staff of the Alexandria Sheriff’s Office is requesting donations of new and unwrapped toys as well as gift cards that will be given to families who have a parent at the William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center. Families will visit the Sheriff’s Office on December 10 to select Operation Elf holiday gifts.
Last year, more than 200 children of Alexandria inmates received toys, games, books and other gifts, thanks to Operation Elf supporters and the Sheriff’s Office. This year, Inmate Programs staff have identified about 65 eligible inmates whose children would benefit from Operation Elf. This charitable effort helps families in need but also helps families stay connected during the holidays, which encourages a smoother transition once ex-offenders return to the community.
Community members who would like to support Operation Elf can contact Programs Manager Gloria Wright at 703.746.5135 or Education Coordinator Krista Sofonia at 703.746.5107 for more information.