What Do You Think About ACPS? A Survey of the School System is Open Until May 10
What’s you opinion of Alexandria City Public Schools? The school system is asking the public its opinions in an online survey that will be open until May 10. The ACPS 2020 Survey is the beginning of a community conversation over the division’s next five year strategic plan, which will be approved next year.
“This survey will take approximately five minutes to complete,” noted ACPS Superintendent Dr. Gregory Hutchings. “All your answers are strictly confidential. Reports will not identify individuals, and only overall data will be shared. The results of the survey will be used to guide our work moving forward and we will share them with you in the summer or early fall.”
The survey asks respondents whether they strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree about the school system’s facilities, health and wellness, areas for improvement and asks for longer detailed answers for public feedback.