City Issues Guidance on Caring for Pets During the Pandemic

Alexandria, VA – In its nightly email, the city continues to urge residents to stay at home, unless going out is essential. And when out, they stress the importance of maintaining six feet of distance around others.
Caring for Your Pets
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a small number of pets have been infected with the coronavirus. This has been found to be a result of contact with sick people. Currently, there is no significant evidence that animals can spread the virus. Therefore, the possibility of animal-to-human transmission is very low.
At this time, the rules of no contact with others applies to your pet as well. For example, when you are walking your dog, keep him or her away from other animals and people. If a person in your home becomes sick, that person should isolate from others and pets. Click HERE to learn more about COVID-19 and pets.
Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19 Treatments
There is no vaccine or specific treatment for the coronavirus yet. Still, over the last few weeks, a number of drugs and home remedies have been rumored to treat the illness. The best practice if sick is to stay home, drink fluids, isolate from others, and consult your physician about symptom relief.
The Virginia Department of Health has provided a list of frequently asked questions about proposed treatments and remedies. To read the document, click HERE.
Please note that if you have difficulty breathing and need emergency care, call 911 or contact your nearest hospital before driving there.
Validity Extended for Driver’s Licenses and Other Credentials
Governor Northam has ordered that Virginia DMV offices and mobile units remain closed until May 11. As a result of this development, Northam extended the validity for licenses and other credentials. People needing to renew are asked to do so online.
Northam directed the Virginia State Police to suspend enforcement of the time period in which new Virginia residents must get a driver’s license or register their vehicles, the expiration of temporary license plates, and the time period in which temporary residents may operate vehicles with out-of-state plates.
The governor’s directive also continues the suspension of enforcement of motor vehicle inspections by Virginia State Police. Until further notice, the city will not issue citations for driver’s licenses, license plates, or safety inspection decals that expired after February 29, 2020.
READ MORE: City Provides Helpful Resources for Businesses During Pandemic