Armchair Family Adventures to Entertain Your Children
Find unusual and interesting sites in Armchair Family Adventures to entertain your children. Geared towards children while fascinating the family.
Alexandria, VA – May 1, 2020 It’s been difficult for many families finding ways to keep their kids busy and entertained. We have been collecting sites where you can find unusual and interesting sites for both you and the rest of the family in our Armchair Family Adventures to entertain your children. These sites are geared towards children yet provide lots of fascinating stuff for the whole family.
Free Amazon Kid Vids for all ages! Amazon is offering free-for-all video shows for preschoolers, children ages 6-11, and PBS Kids shows for all Amazon customers.
The Cornell Lab Bird Academy is offering lots of videos to learn about the birds in your neighborhood and around the world. Fascinating stuff.
All About Feathers is an interactive tutorial on why birds are different from any other living creature because they have feathers.

“The Mcaulay Library is the world’s premier scientific archive of natural history audio, video, and photographs. Although the Macaulay Library’s history is rooted in birds, the collection includes amphibians, fishes, and mammals, and the collection preserves recordings of each species’ behavior and natural history. Its mission is to facilitate the ability of others to collect and preserve such recordings and to actively promote the use of these recordings for diverse purposes spanning scientific research, education, conservation, and the arts.” The Mcaulay Library
Meghan Splawn of the Kitchn offers more than 35 easy and fun Ideas for . Kids
Visit Monterey Bay Aquarium, California and swim with tropical fish, sharks, jellyfish, penguins, and birds on the live cams.
The National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. will supply all of you with dinosaur fossils, minerals, Egyptian artifacts, and more with a virtual tour of
San Diego Zoo, California features furry animals with live cams featuring koalas, pandas, polar bears, elephants, and more.
Check out the Alexandria Library’s digital collection at
Legos anyone? You can’t stop watching!
Cook with your kids – 53 Recipes to Cook With Your Kids. It may get messy but the results make it worth it!®i_id=123250704&segment_id=25470&te=1&user_id=84cf249e44250b973a85c0ce695e738e
David Malosh for The New York Times. Food Stylist: Simon Andrews
Singing Ice “For as long as I have lived here I have been so deeply fascinated by these sounds. If you have been following me for some time you might have heard me talk about this before. The sound of the ice is among the most beautiful and magical sounds I know, and I also believe that the sound can have a very healing effect on humans. The singing ice can remind us of the sounds that the whales use to communicate with each other . And just like the ice, most of the sounds are such low frequency that you can not even hear it. Only barely feel it. It also reminds many people of the sounds that can be heard from inside womb. Maybe thats why it has such a calming effect on many people? So, my recordings is only giving you a little part of the magical feeling you get from the singing ice. The sounds in my video can’t represent the whole feeling of being out on the ice and hear and FEEL the sounds. But at least I hope to give you a little glimpse of these musical concerts by the ice.”
Family Fun from offers a daily activity for kids to do alone or with family members.
Celebrity Bedtime Stories You’ll never guess who is reading the next story!
We hope you enjoy these Armchair Family Adventures to entertain your children.