Alexandria City Council Thanks Residents in Video Message

Alexandria, VA – Alexandria entered the first phase of Governor Ralph S. Northam’s “Forward Virginia” plan today. To mark the occasion, Alexandria City Council released a video to thank residents..
In the video, Mayor Justin M. Wilson called COVID-19 “one of the toughest challenges our community has ever faced.”
He expressed empathy and care for all who have been affected by the virus and took time to thank front-line workers.
“Thank you to everyone who is staying home as much as possible,” he said. “It’s working, and we can see the rate of new cases slowing.”
Councilwoman Del Pepper thanked essential employees whose work will not allow them to stay home. And in a similar message, Councilman Mo Seifeldein thanked doctors and nurses.
Residents have played a huge role in reaching this milestone. But Alexandria, in a press release, shared that there is a long way to go. Stay vigilant and safe.
Preparing Buildings for a Return to Business
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released new guidance to help employers disinfect their works places and mitigate the risk of infection.
The guidance details the following:
- Checking the building for readiness
- Determining where and how workers may be exposed
- Isolating workers from potential hazard
- Changing the way work is done
- Educating workers about how they can protect themselves
- Maintaining a healthy workplace
To read the whole document, click HERE.
Related – Mask Required: Northam’s Order Goes Into Effect Today
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