Alexandria Parents: Virtual Meeting Planned About Child Mental Health
ALEXANDRIA, VA – The uncertainty of the pandemic has led adults to feel fear, anxiety, and stress. But the seemingly daily changes have affected children as well.
An article in TIME magazine stated that in China over a recent one-month period, 22.6 percent of children reported experiencing symptoms of depression and 18.9 percent reported dealing with anxiety. The author, Jeffrey Kluger, wrote about the variable of a pre-existing mental health condition. One of the statistics he highlighted is that 7.1 percent of American children from three to 17 years old, per the CDC, have an anxiety diagnosis. The article shared that post 9/11, a researcher concluded that adolescent distress “closely tracked” regardless of a history of mental health issues. Mental health professionals “expect to see” that same phenomenon with the pandemic.
The City of Alexandria is aware of the unique struggles kids face during this time. A return to school, whether remotely or in-person, can be frightening On Thursday, August 13 from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m., there will be a virtual meeting to provide parents with insight and strategies to help. “Back-to-School Worries: How to Protect Your Kid’s Mental Health” by Explanation Kids will feature veteran psychologists.
Alexandria Schools Superintendent Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. will be in attendance, along with Mayor Justin M. Wilson. Representatives from agencies, such as the Center for Children and Families, will provide information parents can trust and give ways to get through hard conversations.
The event is free but registration is required. To register, click HERE. A Zoom link will be sent after registration.
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