Foodie Newz

Meal Train Set Up for Zebra’s Food Editor

If you are interested in participating, please visit the website set up by a friendly neighbor and sign up for an open day.

James Beard Award-Winning Chef Cathal Armstrong with Debby Critchley.
(Photo: Mary Wadland)

Alexandria, VA – Zebra’s Food and Calendar Editor, Debby Critchley, took a bad fall at the Old Town North Farmer’s Market in late September, and suffered a fractured shoulder. She has had reconstructive surgery and will be significantly immobilized for the next six weeks, so her regular Foodie Newz column is on hiatus until she can master the art of dictation and write that way.

She is right-handed and of course, it is that arm which is now in a complicated contraption.

A meal train was established by neighbor Wayne Hulehan, who when thanked for doing it, replied, “I’m not done yet. She needs help and is going to need meals until the second week in November at least.”

Being the “foodie” that she is, nothing is bringing her greater pleasure than the tasty morsels that are being left at her front door by restaurants and concerned citizens. If you are interested in participating, please visit and sign up for an open day. If you are not local or prefer not to deliver meals, you may consider donating to the discretionary fund.

“I will use this to deliver other items, such as medical supplies from CVS, bagels and cream cheese, lunch items, etc. Thank you for helping Debby during this difficult time. During these difficult times, we all pull together, so show the love,” said Hulehan.

ICYMI: How I Got a Job Reviewing Food in Alexandria


The Zebra byline is reserved for press releases and family-written obituaries.

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