ALIVE! Hosts Food Distribution Event Saturday, Oct. 31

ALEXANDRIA, VA – ALIVE! has once again stepped up to help those in need during the pandemic. On Saturday, Oct. 31, the organization will host a Truck-to-Trunk food distribution to provide Alexandria residents with groceries.
The event will be held at two drive-through sites: the parking lots of John Adams Elementary (5651 Rayburn Ave.) and Cora Kelly Elementary (3600 Commonwealth Ave.). Residents can pick up food at either location from 8:30-10:30 a.m. or until supplies last.
To encourage no contact, visitors are asked to remain in their vehicles. ALIVE! welcomes people who choose to walk but asks that they maintain a distance of six feet around others, wear a mask, and bring reusable bags to take food home.
To learn more about ALIVE!’s services and to find out how to help, click HERE. For more information about food assistance, click HERE.