Florence M. King Joins Race for Alexandria’s City Council as an Independent

ALEXANDRIA, VA – An Alexandria resident and business owner for thirty years, Florence M. King filed the organizational paperwork as an Independent candidate to get on the ballot, and is running for one of the six open seats on Alexandria’s City Council.
“I’m running as an Independent because I have allegiance to the City,” King told The Zebra. “I’m not here to bolster my political resume, I’m running because I care about Alexandria.”
King traces her ancestral roots to George Washington’s plantation, where her great, great grandfather was enslaved. Raised in Fairfax County, she attended Luther Jackson High School in Tysons, VA. She says, “Despite segregation, I was able to excel through it and earn a major degree in Sociology and a minor degree in business administration from George Mason University.”
Asked about her platform, King says she will prioritize the needs of women and children, older adult citizens, and public safety. “I’m a good listener,” King told The Zebra, “and people right now in this City want to be heard.” She continued, “I’m for “common sense” policies and decisions that push the City of Alexandria forward while also preserving its historic charm and character.”
Inducted into the prestigious group of Living Legends of Alexandria in 2018, King already has a proven track record of public service to the City of Alexandria. She has been a City Elections Officer for the last 25 Years, been Vice Chair Alexandria Historical Resources Commission for the last 15 years, Chairwoman of the City’s Commission on Employment, Alexandria Freedman’s Cemetery Steering Committee, and on the Board of Directors/Recording Secretary of the Laurel Grove School Association, a historic schoolhouse telling the story of many freed men and women in the post-civil war era.
She is the former Vice Chair of Agenda Alexandria, a non-partisan, non-profit organization that produces monthly programs with an un-biased multi-faceted view of controversial topics in Alexandria. She also serves on the Board of Trustees of the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra and is a previous Vice-President of the Northern Virginia Urban League Guild.
Her company, FMK Financial Literacy has helped 10,000+ local citizens, businesses, and non-profit organizations with financial literacy and solutions.
King is eager to win Alexandria’s heart in this election. “I’m going to be all over the place from Old Town to the West End. My website is working, and all my information is up there, including more details about my platform and experience and why people should vote for me,” King said in a phone interview. “And the donation button is working!”
There are 13 Democrats running for six open positions on Alexandria City Council. Once the top six have been chosen in the June 8 Democratic Primary, King will join the ballot against those six in the open election.
For more information, visit www.florenceking.com .
MORE: Florence King Inducted into Living Legends of Alexandria