Alexandria Seniors: Stay Cool This Summer With This Program!

ALEXANDRIA, VA – As the hot summer unfolds in Alexandria, it is important for everyone to have ways of staying cool. For the youngest in the community, that may be going for a swim in the pool, or a diving in to some cool ice cream. However, there are many people who can’t have a triple strawberry-chocolate sundae every afternoon, or may not live close to pools. For the seniors of Alexandria, one of the best ways to not overheat during the warm seasons is having efficient air conditioning.
This summer, the Division of Aging and Adult Services is offering cool air service to seniors. If you are age 60 and older and need cooling in your home, you may be eligible for a box fan or window air conditioner.
For more information on this service, the Division of Aging and Adult Services can be reached at 703-746-5999. Furthermore, it’s important to note that the program ends September 30, 2021. So if you’re a senior in need of good air conditioning, be sure to call quickly.
MORE: Alexandria Program Keeps Seniors Cool During Hot Summer Months