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Jackson Casey Memorial Scholarship Awarded to West Potomac Graduates

Two graduates of West Potomac High School’s Class of 2021, Jake Cooper and Ambria (Brii) Redfearn, are this year’s recipients of the Jackson Casey Memorial Scholarship!

L-R: Sara Keese, Brian Colligan, Joe Petrucelli, Sean Casey, Brii Redfearn (with her two young nephews), Jake Cooper, and Paul Dean. (All photos by Susan Fleischman)

Alexandria, VA – Two graduates of West Potomac High School’s Class of 2021, Jake Cooper and Ambria (Brii) Redfearn, are this year’s recipients of the Jackson Casey Memorial Scholarship awarded through the Fort Hunt Youth Athletic Association (FHYAA). They have each won $3,000.

2021 FHYAA Jackson Casey Scholarship winners Brii Redfearn and Jake Cooper.

The scholarships are awarded annually to two graduating seniors who, at some point in their athletic careers, participated in an FHYAA team. Each applicant submits an essay describing in 750-1,200 words the life lessons they’ve learned through participating in athletics.

The scholarships are in memory of young Jackson Casey, an FHYAA athlete who died in 2011. Jackson played lacrosse, basketball, and football. He is fondly remembered as a good teammate and friend to so many fellow players.

FHYAA Vice President Sara Keese, right, presents the scholarship checks to Brii Redfearn and Jake Cooper.
FHYAA officers Paul Dean and Sara Keese look on as Sean Casey remembers his son, Jackson Casey, in whose memory the scholarship is named.

FHYAA President Paul Dean and Vice President Sara Keese were joined at the award presentation by Scholarship Director Dana Kelly and Sean Casey, Jackson’s father. West Potomac HS basketball coaches Brian Colligan, Joe Petrucelli, Dave Sawczuk, and families and friends also attended.

Sean Casey congratulated the winners, Cooper and Redfearn, thanking them for their essays and their contributions to FHYAA. Casey paid homage to his son, Jackson, and read a quote from one of his son’s former coaches, describing Jackson Casey’s love of playing sports, which inspired the Casey family to create the scholarship after Jackson’s untimely death.

Sara Keese presented checks to the athletes, thanked them for being such good ambassadors for the FHYAA and sports in general, and wished them well in their upcoming college careers.

West Potomac HS basketball coaches with their star player. L-R: Brian Colligan, Brii Redfearn, Joe Petrucelli, and Dave Sawczuk.

Jake Cooper played basketball and baseball in the FHYAA and also rugby. His rugby team won the state championship this year and earned a berth in the national championship last month in Kansas City. Cooper has won several athletic and academic awards. He is heading to the University of Miami this fall to attend the School of Engineering.

Brii Redfearn played basketball for the FHYAA and West Potomac High School. She has won several MVP and coaches awards, including All-District and All-Region titles. Redfearn was an integral player on her high school varsity basketball team, which reached the semifinals in the state championship earlier this year. Redfearn will attend Eastern Mennonite University this fall, where she has committed to play basketball.

Congratulations to these promising student-athletes as they embark on the next exciting phases of their careers.

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