Alexandria Police Officers Receive Medal for Helping Participants in Drug Treatment Program

ALEXANDRIA, On Wednesday, Aug. 25, Alexandria Police Officers Bennie Evans and Shakita Warren received the Law Enforcement Commendation Medal from the George Washington Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). The two were honored because of their dedication to participants of the Alexandria Treatment Court (ATC) – offering support, encouragement, and guidance to see that people complete the program successfully.
Launched nearly two years ago, ATC exists to help those diagnosed with substance use disorders charged with non-violent offenses. It offers an avenue to treatment and recovery, as well as the opportunity to have charges reduced or dismissed.
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In Feb., the program celebrated its first graduate.
The Law Enforcement Commendation Medal, according to the SAR website, “is presented to those who have served with distinction and devotion in the field of law enforcement. The medal is intended to recognize exceptional service or accomplishment in the field of law enforcement ”
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