Alexandria City High School Holds Mock Election for Students

ALEXANDRIA, VA–On Wednesday, Sept. 29, Alexandria City High School in concert with officials from the Virginia Department of Elections, held a mock election for senior students in the Advanced Placement Government course.
Within the next year, 757 ACHS students will come of age to vote, so all AP Government Students were encouraged to participate.
AP Government teacher, Mr. Orzel, stated, “The students are very interested and enjoy the voting process,” as he explained the voting process to his students and emphasized the importance of understanding voting registration and candidate knowledge.
This mock election included filling out test ballots, following rules, and using real voting machines, all part of preparing students for their civil duty of voting in America.

The voting machines were set up in the library. Students sat in cubicles with four-way dividers for privacy while they completed their ballots, listing all of the November 2nd, 2021 candidates, from local to gubernatorial.
Once the students completed their ballots, they then lined-up to put them into the machine where real election officials were present observing and giving proper instructions as needed.
One student said, “My parents have taken me to the polling place before and I have witnessed them voting.” While most students have grown up observing the process from afar, all students seemed eager to welcome this stage of becoming adults and civil participants in our democracy.
To the students, the election officials, and the entire City of Alexandria, job well done.
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