
Volunteers are the Heart of Alexandria

by Marion Brunken and Diana M. Rodriguez, Volunteer Editor

Alexandria, VA – National Volunteer Recognition Week is April 17-22 (presented by the Jen Walker Team)

· Volunteer Alexandria recognizes the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) during National Volunteer Week as recipients of the Emergency Preparedness Volunteer Service Award

· Both groups have generously given time and energy, staffing and supporting COVID-19 vaccination clinics and testing sites throughout Alexandria for over a year.

· Volunteer Alexandria and the entire community appreciate you! These programs and volunteers are rock stars! Many have received the “Above & Beyond” Award for serving 250+ hours

Volunteer Alexandria and ACPS thank these Volunteers for Outstanding Service

· ELDON BOES and LINDA THOMS, recipients of the Joan White Grassroots Volunteer Service Award –This award is given to volunteers who selflessly commit time, energy, and skills to help organizations further their missions. Eldon knows how learning to ride a bike can have a powerful influence on students. Teachers are grateful and students love him. Eldon has volunteered since 2016, consistently giving five to ten hours each week during the school year.

· Linda volunteers for the Alexandria Tutoring Consortium, helping school children to read at William Ramsey Elementary School. She tutors two to four children each term, often focusing on children with special needs. Linda has inspired and nurtured hundreds of ACPS students.

· CATHERINE KITCHELL, Above & Beyond Awardee –Catherine gives freely of her time to make the community better by helping ensure her students achieve academic success.

· JIM DURHAM, Above & Beyond Awardee –Jim qualifies for an award for his work in the Alexandria City Public Schools; he plays a key role in improving City routes, which improves student safety. Jim has spent countless hours giving third graders an opportunity to participate in the Safety Routes to School program.

“Above & Beyond” Awards

Volunteers Who Donated over 300 Hours of Service Deborah McGhee| Suzette Manduley | Donna Pickett | Santos Diaz | Nathan Bruinooge| Kathy Stenzel| Bridget Donohue| Marco van Doeveren| Mark Lim, | Cornelia Piper | Nancy Foote | Lauren DeAngelis | Anita McClendon| Laura Noble| Linda Mossey| Laura Folk | Simona Cipra| Marina Martinez-Stepka| Les Leinaweaver| Richard Sheres| Cole Ashcraft| Christine Boltz| Marjorie Windelberg

Did You Know?

The value of one volunteer hour in Virginia is $28.46.

From February ‘21 to February ‘22, Volunteer Alexandria

· registered over 2,250 people

· made over 6,600 connections to causes, and

· offered 1,886 activities

Agencies Receiving Volunteer Assistance in 2021

Alexandria City Public Schools | Alexandria Harmonizers, Inc | Alexandria Housing Development Corporation | Alexandria Soccer Association | Alexandria Symphony Orchestra | Alexandria Tutoring Consortium | Alexandria/Arlington CASA Program |

ALIVE! | Arts on the Horizon | Community Lodgings | Four Mile Run Conservatory Foundation | Friends of Guest House | Friends of the Martha Washington Library | Friends of the Mount Vernon Trail | Friendship Firehouse Museum | Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia | Momentum Collective Inc. | Neighborhood Health | Nueva Vida, Inc. | Prevention of Blindness Society Look Again Resale Shop | Rebuilding Together DC Alexandria | Run! Geek! Run! 5K | Senior Services of Alexandria | Tall Ship Providence | The Campagna Center | The Little Theatre of Alexandria | Watergate at Landmark Youth Committee Members | Wesley Housing


· Train organizations’ staff to create projects, recruit, screen, and manage volunteers

· Invest in technology; make it easier to use

· Offer middle and high school students meaningful service-learning activities

· Mobilize people to help agencies fulfill their missions

Please Donate to Help People Serve during Spring2ACTion 2022

Investing in Volunteer Alexandria means investing in our community, strengthening organizations, and helping people help others.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

April 12 – 14: Breaks with Impact (BWI) – students (grades 6–12) engage in service-learning projects across Alexandria, including service activities, learning how nonprofits and public agencies serve city residents, and exploring careers. Find details and register at www.volunteeralexandria.org/bwi.

April 18 – 23: During National Volunteer Week, Volunteer Alexandria invites groups and individual to participate in a SERVE-a-thon event where people complete service projects across the city. This mini SERVE-a-thon will be outdoors supporting local and state parks, and a few agencies that need landscaping. Find details and register at www.volunteeralexandria.org/serveathon.

Register for any of the following activities at www.volunteeralexandria.org:

Help Distribute Food and Groceries – Meade Memorial Episcopal Church needs help to provide lunches to residents from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Volunteers set up tables and distribute lunches weekdays, except certain holidays. Volunteers are also needed in the food pantry Thursday or Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Momentum Collective Inc. and the Recreation Department are providing after-school arts education to elementary and middle school youth. Volunteers with any knowledge of hand puppet making, storytelling, and operating puppets are needed to facilitate at least two children’s puppet shows throughout the program year, which runs through to June 24.

ICYMI: Alexandria Celebrating Earth Day in April

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