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Celebrating Independence with the Man Who Won It

(All photos: Steve Hunt)

Alexandria, VA – What more fitting way to celebrate American Independence Day than at the home of our first president and the general who led American troops to victory over the British? With his mansion lit up in Red, White & Blue, George Washington greeted guests with his fireworks displays on the grounds of Mount Vernon on June 24 and 25. While scaffolding on the water side of the mansion was a bit disconcerting, the crowd loved everything about the evening, from the patriotic music to meeting Mr. Washington to the breathtaking fireworks over the Potomac.

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Marlene Miller

Marlene Miller has lived in, and written about, Mount Vernon for decades. She raised her family here, her two children graduating from area public schools. After retiring from over 16 years of publishing her own newspaper, The Zebra has tempted her back to community journalism

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