
Art Exhibits and Events to Check Out This September

“A Sudden Change in Direction” (detail), acrylic and ink on canvas by Elizabeth Casqueiro. (Photo: Atheneum Gallery website)

Alexandria, VA –  *20th Annual Alexandria Old Town Arts Festival (Saturday, September 17 and Sunday, September 18, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at 300 John Carlyle Street [John Carlyle Square] in Old Town.) All artwork is juried, which provides a higher level of quality, diversity, and creativity of the art on display and exemplifies the gifted artists in regions from all over the country. Alexandria is recognized as one of the country’s premier artistic hubs. This show is rated as one of the top 100 art shows in Sunshine Artist Magazine. You don’t want to miss it! (

*The Art League at the Torpedo Factory (105 N. Union Street at the City Dock)

“September Open Exhibit(September 7 to October 2) will showcase artists’ works not limited by theme, medium process, or content but made in the past five years. The exhibit is juried by Aaron Morgan Brown.

“Impact: Reflections of 9/11” is the September Solo Exhibit (September 8 to October 2) by artist George Robert Overhiser Jr. Visit for details.

“Art on the Rocks” (Friday, September 9, from 5:30 to 8:30 pm) kicks off Old Town Cocktail Week at Waterfront Park. The exhibit showcases artworks in all mediums. It’s a festive fundraiser to support The Art League and our local restaurants. See details at

The Art League ice cream bowls are a huge hit at the Old Town Arts Festival. (Photo: Jean Frank Stark)

The Ice Cream Bowl at the Old Town Arts Festival (Saturday, September 17 & Sunday, September 18) The Ice Cream Bowl is one of the best deals in town! Stop by the Art League’s table at the Alexandria Art Festival at 300 John Carlyle Square and select from hundreds of handcrafted bowls. Buy a bowl and get an ice cream treat for just $15. These bowls make perfect gifts! Proceeds support the League’s Ceramics Department.

*The Atheneum Gallery, (201 Prince Street, Old Town Alexandria) “Connected Spaces,” (August 25 – October 2) featuring artists Elizabeth Casqueiro and Jean Sausele-Knodt. Connections are integral to the human experience. During the normal course of a day, our joys and challenges are sustained by connections near and far, physically present and internalized. In this exhibition, Casqueiro and Sausele-Knodt explore the meaning of connection in different ways as it pertains to space and sense of being.

*Del Ray Artisans (2704 Mount Vernon Avenue in Del Ray)

(Web photo of art by Dawn Wyse Hurto)

“The Big 3-0!” (September 2 – October 1): Founded in 1992, Del Ray Artisans started celebrating its 30th Anniversary with a party & reception on September 3 (sorry if you missed it), but the celebration continues all month with a members art exhibit and programs that rhyme with THIRTY. The Big 3-0 members showcase features stunning artwork in a variety of media and themes. Member artists share their favorite works and memories of Del Ray Artisans nonprofit in this exhibit. Visit for a list of rhymes-with-30 exhibits.

“HalloWEIRD Art Market” (Outdoor on September 24, 10 am – 4 pm, RAIN or SHINE): Browse spooky, creepy, crawly, and goth-like Halloween-inspired creations at Del Ray Artisans’ new outdoor art market. Handcrafted artwork from local artists in many mediums. This outdoor, family-friendly event is in Colasanto Park adjoining the Del Ray Artisans Gallery at 2704 Mount Vernon in Del Ray. Get details at

*Gallery Underground (2100 Crystal Drive in the Crystal City Shops, Arlington, VA – “Enjoy the View: A Solo Show of Landscape Paintings,” by Jessica Mickey (August 29 -September 30) Jessica Mickey’s solo show comprises 40 of her landscape paintings and offers us all a brief moment in time to stop and enjoy the view during our hectic lives. Most of her paintings start as photographs that she transforms into moody artworks that make you feel as if you could step right into them. The gallery is open Monday to Friday, 10 am – 6 pm

*Principle Gallery (208 King Street, Old Town Alexandria)

“Obbiligato 14-x-16 Oil on Linen by Gilbert Gorski. (Photo: Principle Gallery website)

“The Space Of Trees,” by Gilbert Gorski (Opens on Friday, September 16). Artist and architect Gilbert Gorski is based in Sarver, Pennsylvania; many of his paintings represent areas surrounding his home. He also creates compositions that merge the rural environment of western Pennsylvania with other areas the artist recalls from memory. Gorski says. “Historically, photography displaced painting, but photography has become so accessible it is now commonplace. Paintings by contrast remain special because they are singular works. They are communications with the artist.” – quote excerpted from Woodland Works.

*Nina Tisara’s Serenity Gallery presents “Celebration!”  ̶  an exhibit featuring mosaics by Nina Tisara and the photography of Steven Halperson, September 7 through October 28. The exhibit is hosted by the Coldwell Banker Old Town office, 310 King Street, as part of its ongoing support of the Alexandria community. An artists’ reception will be held on September 8, 4:30-7 pm. To RSVP and for more information, contact Gretchen Walzl at [email protected].

*Target Gallery of the Torpedo Factory (105 N. Union Street at the City Dock)

(Closing on September 11) “Turning Tides,” a group exhibition that explores the impact of climate change on view in Target Gallery. This exhibition discusses the issue through various artworks represented by different styles and mediums coming together in a dialogue.

(September 17-October 30) “Body Talk,” an all-media group exhibition themed on self-portraiture, figural work, or depictions of the self on view in Target Gallery and Studio 9. This exhibition explores themes of identity, culture, gender, and mental health through the expression of the physical form.

For details about the artists in the Target Gallery exhibits, visit

ICYMI: It’s Be Kind to Humankind Week!


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