Friends of Guest House Annual Pajama Drive Well Underway

Alexandria, Virginia—An invitation to attend a Pajama Party is extended to all now through December 21st. The Annual Friends of Guest House Pajama Drive is well underway in Old Town, and they are collecting women’s pajamas in sizes Large to 3XL along with warm, cozy socks.
Friends of Guest House is an organization that helps women successfully reenter the community from incarceration. Their mission is “to provide formerly incarcerated women the structure, supervision, support, and assistance they need to move beyond who they were to become who they want to be.” Founded in 1974, “Guest House has helped more than 5,000 women break the vicious cycle of incarceration, reunite with their families, and reintegrate into their community.”
Last year the goal was to collect 100 pairs of pajamas and they lost count after they reached 140. Former Director Kari Galloway was quoted as saying, “Your PJ collection was absolutely amazing …what an incredible gift that will impact many, many women and make them not only feel warm, but very welcome! We are so, so grateful and hope that you have a wonderful holiday and best in 2022!”
There is no doubt that the pajama drive has made a significant impact on the lives of the women beyond just a pair of pajamas to sleep in. It serves as a welcoming from the community and that is a big first step in their journey to begin again.
The pajamas can be dropped off at Coldwell Banker Realty, 310 King Street in Old Town Alexandria (Monday thru Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm) or 9 East Cliff Street in Del Ray (Anytime) or call 703-967-8884 to arrange a pickup.
For more information on Friends of Guest House or making donations you can go to their website:
“If you believe your past does not define your future, help us end the systematic cycle of incarceration-one woman, one family at a time. Your donation to Friends of Guest House is an investment in the tailored programs, proven approaches, and trained staff who motivate and encourage our clients.”–Friends of Guest House
{SEE ALSO: Local Alexandrian Creates Holiday Light Show in Front Yard Complete with Train and Santa}