Work Begins on Permanent Home for Tall Ship Providence Along Alexandria Waterfront

This report has been updated, giving the correct route of the Tall Ship’s journey to Old Town.
ALEXANDRIA, VA – The Tall Ship Providence will soon dock permanently at its new home along Alexandria’s waterfront. Work has begun on the structure that will support the ship and the Senator John Warner Maritime Heritage Center.
A press release from Maurisa Potts, the founder and CEO of Spotted MP Marketing and Public Relations, indicates the center “will feature a hundred-foot-long floating dock where Providence will tie up, and two cottages, which will house our Education Center, Naval History Theater, Ticket Office and Gift Shop.”
Currently under construction in Baltimore, the center will float down the Chesapeke Bay and then up the Potomac River to Old Town, WTOP reports.
Workers can be seen near Old Town’s Waterfront Park installing utilities, getting rid of existing pilings, and installing a new pier. The ship will be installed there later this month. It is expected to open to visitors in June.
While docked here, the vessel will host tours, public sailing, and private parties.
The Tall Ship Providence was built in 1976 to celebrate the nation’s bicentennial. The Tall Ship Providence Foundation, on its website, says it “is a reproduction of the first ship authorized to serve in the Continental Navy and Captain John Paul Jones’ first American command.”
The ship has been a sensation since it first arrived in Alexandria four years ago. It has been used in movies such as the “Pirates of the Caribbean” series with Johnny Depp.
Waterfront Park is located at 1A Prince St.