Community News

City of Alexandria Fall Recreation Program Registration Begins Aug. 9

Pixabay photo by Jill Rose

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Registration for fall classes and activities offered by the City of Alexandria’s Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities (RPCA) will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 9, for City residents and Friday, August 11, for nonresidents. Fall registration applies to classes, leagues and activities occurring September through December 2023. Registration will be available online and in-person at the Lee Center Registration & Reservation Office (1108 Jefferson St.). For a complete list of options, see the Fall guide online at

In addition to a variety of new programs and returning favorites, there are many ways to have fun this fall. Plan ahead by registering for one of our many Teacher Workday camps or Fall Break camps. Or attend a community Halloween or holiday event with your friends and family!

Visit to register and for more information about the City’s fall recreation programs.

RPCA is also looking for new team members to join the department, including part-time Out of School Time staff, Recreation Leaders, Pool Operators, Urban Foresters and more.  If you or someone you know is interested, we encourage you to visit to view and apply for current job openings.

[SEE ALSO: City-Wide Food Drive Collects Over 33,000 Pounds of Food for Alexandria’s ALIVE!]

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