George Mason University Offers Alexandria High Seniors Automatic Admission Through Pilot Program

ALEXANDRIA, VA-Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) has teamed with George Mason University (GMU) for a new program that gives students automatic enrollment at the university. The Common App Direct Admissions Pilot program is available to ACHS seniors who maintain a GPA of 3.25 or higher.
“ACHS is thrilled that [GMU] is offering seniors this direct admissions opportunity. Direct access to college eradicates the stress that students feel when choosing their path after high school and allows them to focus more on career planning and goal setting,” Executive Principal Alexander Duncan III said. “Additionally, this opportunity allows students to further their learning while also exploring their chosen interests and possible career path. ACHS is beyond thrilled that our students are afforded this chance and thankful to GMU for providing it. No doubt, this will help as we work to provide equal access to education for all students.”
On Oct. 3, during the celebratory launch, 428 students found out they would be the program’s first cohort.
Students who receive an invitation to apply do not pay any application fee and do not have to take any tests to apply. In fact, upon selection, they receive a link to the application by email, which is already 75% complete.
“The pilot program,” according to ACPS, “aims to address the declining number of underrepresented students applying to college. Direct admissions programs are considered to be effective in increasing enrollment in institutions of higher education and postsecondary degree attainment, especially among students from underrepresented communities.”
The program will continue through Aug. 2026. [SEE ALSO: Learn How to Stay Safe Online: Free Event in Alexandria Oct. 14]