Share Your Ideas on Alexandria’s Age-Friendly Strategic Plan
Complete a short survey and attend a free event Jan. 17 to help improve the lives of the city's older adult population
ALEXANDRIA, VA-The Alexandria Commission on Aging (Commission) and the Division of Aging & Adult Services are working together to update the city’s Age-Friendly Strategic Plan. The Commission and city staff will present a draft on Friday, Jan. 17. Free to attend, the meeting starts at 10 a.m. at the Lee Center’s Exhibition Hall, located on the lower level of the building.
According to a press release, “[t]his critical update will be presented to City Council and, once approved, will guide future funding and services for Alexandria’s older adult population.”
Senior Services of Alexandria is wants to hear from the older adult community. Input will help improve ideas for city services and policies. Simply complete the short survey HERE before the event. Feedback helps ensure the updated plan reflects the real needs of older adult residents.
RSVP is required for the event. Register by sending an email to [email protected], or by calling 703-836-4414 ext. 110.
Lee Center is located at 1108 Jefferson St.