Zebra Misc

The Magic Carpet

by Ginger Rodriguez

Getting right “down to it” the floor is the second most visible thing in your room. Your walls are first!  What you put on the floor really sets the tone for everything. And it’s a very good place to start, primarily, because you don’t have as much flexibility with the carpet/rug as we do with most other surfaces in a room. Furniture can be upholstered to just about any look imaginable, paint colors are infinite, but, when it comes to the flooring, we have to choose from what’s available. So, it’s a good “foundation”; Let other details revolve around it.

And, let’s not be dull about it. I often lean toward a patterned carpet with subtle color, especially for clients who have a life! If you have a real life and real home, we’re talking kids, pets, activities, crafts, who knows what. That means …. Stains, spots and discoloration. Any shade of solid carpet will be shot in a week, or will require constant touch-ups. Tolerable for once in a while, but really a drag when it has to be a daily thing. Even a subtle pattern or figure will mask a multitude of accidents… like Magic! Until you can get to them, and will make the forever stain that you’ll never get out… not ruin your room.

Think of a patterned carpet/ rug/area rug almost as you would think of an equally-large piece of art on your wall. It will set the tone for the room… so make it count and make it work toward the overall look you want.  

Patterns don’t have to match, they just need to coordinate. Put geometric patterns with florals. Mix modern designs with traditional. Oriental style carpets have been such a mainstay for so many centuries; they are almost a “neutral.” Most any look having to do with European, certainly English, Tuscan, French Country, anywhere you’re going for the feel of a study, reading room or cozy library… an Oriental figured carpet, of the right colors, can set the mood you’re after.

A trick for the well-lived-in home is the totally wonderful “outdoor carpet”… used indoors! OMG what a wonderful invention! And, mostly because they come in SO many colors and patterns. I think I could safely say that there is no room or look for which there isn’t a perfect pattern, color and size of outdoor carpet. The benefits are obvious… they are made of materials that can withstand an enormous amount of wear and, when dirty, get rolled up , taken outside , hosed-off, (use a mild detergent too, if needed), left in the sun to dry and then back in the house.

I love the feeling of knowing that it’s a carpet that really, truly can get totally clean and disinfected (I’m thinking of dealing with pet accidents in particular, and don’t pretend I’m the only one!)

They are even eco-friendly and some made of recycled materials. All sizes you could ever want, most all colors, patterns from modern to Classical.

So, when it comes to decorating decisions: Start with carpet. Patterned is good. Patterned Outdoor-used-Indoors, even better!

You can contact Ginger directly thru her popular blog, coffeewithginger.com or her Interior Design company, West Bay Interiors.


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