Old Town North Small Area Plan Adopted
The adoption comes after nearly two years of a planning and community engagement process that included public meetings, open houses and design charrettes facilitated by the 21-member Old Town North SAP Advisory Group.
The Plan provides recommendations to promote a balanced mix of uses with office retention, attraction of retail, arts and cultural uses, and creation of affordable housing options across all income levels. In addition, the Plan envisions the redevelopment of the former power plant site as a mixed-use district with pedestrian-scale blocks to promote walkability and public open space to enhance access to and views of the Potomac River.
The Plan builds on the City’s commitment to create sustainable and livable communities by establishing strategies to address the combined sewer system, prioritize green building, enhance public open spaces, increase the tree canopy and create a built environment that promotes safety and walkability. For more information about the Old Town North Small Area Plan, visit www.alexandriava.gov/Planning ( Click on the picture to have a larger view of it)