Events Calendar

Z-events August 2017

August 9-September 27

My Grandmother, Martha Washington Tour

Wednesdays, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

George Washington’s Mount Vernon

3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway

Enjoy a 60-minute tour of the Mansion and grounds through the eyes of Martha Washington’s granddaughter, Patty Peter, who recounts her many fond memories of times spent with her grandparents at Mount Vernon. Martha Parke Custis Peter (known as “Patty”) was Mrs. Washington’s second oldest granddaughter, who was born at Mount Vernon. She will guide guests through the gardens and the Mansion while entertaining them with stories of the wonderful times she spent with her grandparents at Mount Vernon. $7 in addition to general admission

August 17-September 17

Wizard of Hip at MetroStage


1201 N. Royal St.

The Wizard of Hip (or When in Doubt Slam Dunk), book by Thomas W. Jones II, original music by William Knowles and starring Thomas W. Jones II as Afro Jo will be in performance at MetroStage. A non-stop comic journey as this African American “everyman” travels from adolescence to adulthood in search of the ultimate state of “hip”. Two backup singers, keys and drums help Afro Jo tell his story. Tickets are $55-60. Call 703-548-9044 or online

August 20



Jazz at Meade – Nasar Abadey Quartet

4:00 pm

Meade Memorial Episcopal Church

322 N. Alfred St.

It’s the tenth year of continuing the jazz tradition. $20 donation, free street parking, free intermission buffet.

August 21- November 16

Young at Art Senior Art Exhibition

Durant Arts Center

1605 Cameron St.

The 31st Annual Young at Art Juried Art Show for Artists 55+ in the Washington Metropolitan area. This annual exhibit is cosponsored by Senior Services of Alexandria, the Goodwin House Foundation, and the City of Alexandria. There will be an Opening Reception to meet the artists on Tuesday, September 19, 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the Durant Arts Center. The exhibit is open to all Metropolitan area residents, age 55 and older. The Call for Art takes place on Thursday, August 17 at the Durant Arts Center from 10 am – 12 noon. Artists must deliver, pick up art and leave the art in the exhibit until the end of the show. There is an entry fee of $20 for up to three works and $5 for each additional piece. or call Senior Services 703-836-4414, ext. 110 or Goodwin House Foundation at 703-824-1200.

August 24

Yoga for Weight Loss

10:00 am-12:00 pm

YogaToka Yoga and Fitness Studio

25 S Quaker Lane #17

Did you know that practicing yoga can significantly contribute to weight loss? Kathryn Olson has been teaching people how to incorporate yoga in to their weight loss program for 18 years. In this free workshop you will learn which yoga postures contribute to weight loss, how to practice them effectively and safely, and how to incorporate a daily yoga practice for yourself at home. 571-215-2651 Register online at





August 24

History of the Athenaeum with Meredith Barber

7:00 pm-9:00 pm


201 Prince St.

Ms. Barber is a local historian and student at William & Mary. Through research at the National Archives, she discovered previously unknown Athenaeum history during the Civil War, including its employment as a logistics center by the Union Army. Free for members, $5 for non-members


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