Take Care of an Older Adult? Register for a Free Virtual Caregivers Conference
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Are you a caregiver for an older adult? If so, there is a virtual conference in November that will cover a range of topics. The 34th Annual Caregivers Conference, hosted by the Northern Virginia Dementia Care Consortium, is open for registration now.
From November 9-13, the conference, called “Grow With the Flow” will feature virtual sessions from 10 a.m. to noon. The free event will provide opportunities for family caregivers and others to communicate with and care for those with dementia.
“Past conference attendees have expressed appreciation for hands-on helpful information they can use at home to ease some of the burdens and improve the quality of life for their loved ones,” said Debbie Ludington, Long Term Care Coordinator with the City of Alexandria’s Aging and Adult Services. “They also appreciate the positive messages from presenters and meeting with other caregivers.”
Topics of discussion will include engagement and well-being activities, coping skills and tips, and scientific research.
Ludington pointed out that the pandemic has been especially hard for caregivers.
“One of the primary challenges caregivers face now is the social isolation of their loved ones and themselves.”
For more information about the event and the virtual sessions, view or download a flyer or brochure. To register for the event, visit nvdcc.com.
Conference organizers expect that the virtual format will allow for more people to attend. Fifty vendors will participate.
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