
Sea Change for Alexandria?

Climate Change Prompts Flood of Problems

These 2018 scenes are common when the river comes up. Future flooding is projected to be much worse.
(Photos: Kris Gilbertson)

Alexandria, VA – The sea level is rising, and so are concerns along low-lying neighborhoods. How will the city cope with more frequent flooding, severe storms, and excessive stormwater?

The Potomac River has shaped the City of Alexandria since its founding. The Waterfront, as we commonly know it, begins at the bed of the Potomac River. It is the gateway to the rest of the city through King Street. This area, which sits at the river line of Old Town, attracts businesses, artisans, tourists, providing a unique mix in our community.

Even though the city has grown, old and new problems present a challenge not just for the waterfront but all across Alexandria. As the City plays catch up to fix an inadequate stormwater infrastructure and is forced to adapt to the reality of climate change, it needs to offset the cost while remaining an attractive place to grow.

As new construction in the area attracts more residents, businesses, and commerce, we must ask what City government is doing to cope with the realities of climate change and antiquated infrastructure problems:

· What are the plans to deal with climate change?

· How will those plans affect new development projects in the area?

· How is the newly created Ad-Hoc Stormwater Utility and Flood Mitigation Advisory Group working?

Join Agenda Alexandria on May 24 in a discussion about how these problems already affect and will continue to affect local businesses, commerce, and low-lying neighborhoods impacted by flooding.

What: Climate Change Prompts Flood of Problems When: Monday, May 24, 2021


Check the website for further details.

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