Current members of Alexandria Sheriff’s Office (ASO) who responded to the Pentagon in 2001. From left: Sheriff Dana Lawhorne (2001: Detective APD Criminal Investigations Section), Deputy Marvin Pitts (2001: Deputy ASO), Investigator Victor Ignacio (2001: Detective APD Criminal Investigations Section), Undersheriff Tim Gleeson (2001: Detective, APD Criminal Investigations Section), Deputy Sheriff Zackary Trad, Deputy Sheriff David Robinson (2001: Officer, APD Motorcycle Unit), Sergeant Judicial Services Waraphan Srikongyos (2001: Deputy Sheriff), Director of HR Chris Whelan (2001: Officer, APD K-9 Unit), Chief Deputy Robyn Nichols (2001: Sergeant APD Criminal Investigations Section) (Photo Grace Billups Arnold)
Alexandria, VA – After Flight 77 slammed into the Pentagon, thousands in the DMV were caught in gridlocked traffic trying to get away, to get home. For many, a lasting memory is the steady stream of emergency vehicles from surrounding communities speeding toward the Pentagon and the District, lit up with sirens blaring. No one knew then if Congress and the White House would be the next targets.
APD 911 Lt. Goodrum: Lieutenant Goodrum with his police cruiser in 2001. (Photo Lt. Goodrum)Current members of Alexandria Police Department (APD) who responded to the Pentagon in 2001. From left: Sergeant Gerald Ford (2021: Patrol Days; 2001: Officer, Community Support Unit); Officer Kammy Knox (2021: Patrol Days; 2001: Patrol Evenings); Lieutenant Mike May (2021: Community Relations Division; 2001: COP’s Officer); Lieutenant Ed Milner (2021: Emergency Response and Planning; 2001: Patrol); Lieutenant Delton Goodrum (2021: Training, Recruitment, and Development Section; 2001: Investigator) (Photo Grace Billups Arnold)
Alexandria police and firefighters were among the first responders who ran toward disaster while we tried to escape it. Zebra recognizes here members of the Alexandria Police and Sheriff’s departments who responded to the Pentagon and continue to serve our community in 2021.