City of Alexandria Hosting Virtual Symposium To Raise HIV Awareness on Feb. 7

ALEXANDRIA, VA – On Monday, Feb. 7 the City of Alexandria, in partnership with the Alexandria Health Department, will host a virtual symposium for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.It will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
According to the CDC, Blacks account for a higher proportion of new HIV diagnoses and people with HIV, compared to other race and ethnic backgrounds. Also, AIDSVu indicates that 56.4% of the 23,691 persons living with HIV in Virginia are Blacks/African Americans. Of the 822 new diagnoses in 2019, 63.9% were Blacks.
The event will highlight the disproportionate impact of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Black communities and the broad range of challenges this poses for Black Americans.
Presentations include: “Fighting HIV Stigma through Personal Action” by Anthony Gutierrez, Community Liaison, Gilead Sciences; “Resilience Toward Live After HIV,” by Patrick Ingram, Community Activist; and “HIV Criminalization, Stigma and Trauma,” by Andre Leaphart, Executive Director, Access Restoration Community Center.
Click HERE to register for the symposium. It is free to attend. Registration is required by Feb. 5.