City of Alexandria Installing Speed Cameras in School Zones

ALEXANDRIA, VA – In an effort to improve safety near school zones, the City of Alexandria will install automated speed cameras in select locations. City Council approved the use of cameras in five school zones as part of the Fiscal Year 2023 Approved Budget. The program is expected to launch in early 2023.
Public hearings are scheduled for this fall to provide updates to the community.
- September 26: Traffic & Parking Board Public Hearing
- October 11: City Council First Legislative Meeting
The program is part of Vision Zero, the city plan to improve traffic safety and eliminate severe and fatal crashes by 2028. Two years ago, Virginia passed a law permitting cameras in school and work zones. This means the city can use cameras that are fixed or portable.
According to the Department of Transportation, fixed units can reduce crashes by 54 percent.
Camera locations will be selected using data such as vehicle speed, volume, and crash history.
Signs will be posted near camera locations to alert drivers. The locations will also be published on the Speed Camera Program webpage.
Since the cameras will be automated, a police officer will review possible violations. An individual found to be in violation will have a citation mailed to his or her home address. Once the cameras are put into use, the maximum fine will be $100 per offense.