Alexandria School Board Adopts New Budget at Dec. 15 Meeting
Budget amounts to $461 million for 2024-2033. Will provide funding for HVAC and security upgrades

ALEXANDRIA, VA – In a Dec. 16 press release, Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) announced that the Alexandria School Board has adopted the proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget. The budget, in the amount of $461,065,200 and for 2024 through 2033, was approved at last night’s School Board meeting.
CIP funding is allocated by the City of Alexandria. ACPS is given authority by the city to execute all projects related to the CIP, but the city keeps track of all accounting.
The budget is in alignment with the goals of the ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan and projects the School Board has prioritized over the next decade. These projects include heating and air conditioning upgrades, security updates, and renovations to maintain compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act.
“I want to thank the ACPS Facilities & Operations and Financial Services teams for their hard work and responsiveness to our students’ needs in developing this capital improvement program budget,” said Board Chair Meagan L. Alderton. “This budget addresses the priorities established by the Alexandria School Board after hearing from students, staff, families and community members.”
Enrollment for this school year is 15,732. That is 255 students more than the 2021-2022 school year.
Further increases will be met by the addition of two new schools: George Mason Elementary School and Cora Kelly School for Math, Science and Technology, The N. Beaureagard St. site will also undergo a renovation. First, it will act as a “swing space,” according to ACPS, as the two new schools are built, then become a 600-student school of its own.
“Access to a safe, quality learning environment is vital to student success,” said Chief of Facilities and Operations Dr. Alicia Hart. “The School Board’s adoption of the FY 2024-2033 CIP Budget provides resources for upgraded technology and needed facility renovations in support of our school division’s goal of achieving educational equity and academic excellence for all students.”
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