Tickets Available: Alexandria Singers Performing Broadway and Pop Music Tunes in Concert Series Friday, June 2 and Saturday June 3
Tickets Available for Free Will Donation--You Decide!!

ALEXANDRIA, VA – The Alexandria Singers’ “Voices from the Heart” Concert Series is this weekend on Friday, June 2, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, June 3, at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, 101 Callahan Dr, Alexandria, VA 22301.
“These are fun Broadway and Pop Music concerts,” says Bill Colosimo, the Music Director of the Alexandria Singers. “We have Concert Sponsors for this series, so we are making tickets available for any free will donation!”
Tickets can be reserved online at (visit the shop).
“This is my first season with the Alexandria Singers and I love it!” shares Maureen Cooney, a new member of the group. “It’s such fun and it’s a marvelous sounding chorus of more than seventy auditioned singers.”
The Singers practice at the Lincolnia Senior Center and at the Fairlington Methodist Church in Alexandria, and over the decades, the group has represented Alexandria abroad and in countless area venues such as the Kennedy Center, Verizon Center, the White House, and DAR Constitution Hall. In addition to their continued focus on artistic excellence, the Singers maintain their commitment to the Alexandria community by singing at local City events and music series, senior centers, and community shelters.
“We also doing a great deal of community outreach and education through performances and workshops in Alexandria,” adds Cooney.
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