To Promote HIV Testing, Alexandria Hosting Hoops in Virginia Basketball Tournament June 24

ALEXANDRIA, VA – June 27 is National HIV Testing Day. Based on the latest data made available by the CDC, over a period of three years – 2016 to 2019 – people diagnosed with HIV in the US decreased by eight percent. However, in 2020, more than 30,000 tested HIV positive. Closer to home, the Virginia Department of Health reports that 1,1000 Alexandria residents live with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
To increase awareness about the importance of getting tested, the City of Alexandria is hosting the Hoops in Virginia Basketball Tournament, a three-on-three competion, on Saturday, June 24.. The tournament is open to residents aged 13 years and up. (Even though the format is three-on-three, teams can have a maximum of four players.)
The event will be held at Charles Houston Recreation Center (901 Wythe St.) from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Free HIV testing will be available on-site as well as information about National HIV Testing Day.
A special game is scheduled featuring Mayor Justin Wilson and Alexandria Health Department (AHD) Director David Rose. Spectators are welcome. Free lunch will be offered to both players and crowd members.
Register a team for only $30 by clicking HERE.
Event sponsors include: AHD, the Alexandria Commission on HIV/AIDS, Inova Juniper Program, Hoop Life, and the Northern Virginia Clergy Council for the Prevention of HIV/AIDS.