
Alexandria Symphony Orchestra Scheduled to Perform at Alexandria Birthday Celebration July 8

Symphony to be led by guest conductor John Devlin

John Devlin serves as ASO’s guest conductor for the July 8 Alexandria Birthday Celebration. (Photo: Don Mew)

ALEXANDRIA, VA –Alexandria Symphony Orchestra (ASO) will present a free concert as part of the 274th Alexandria Birthday Celebration on Saturday, July 8, 2023. The celebration, sponsored by the city and coordinated by the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities, culminates with fireworks underscored by additional music from the ASO.

The concert will include the Armed Forces Medley, film scores, patriotic favorites and highlights from West Side Story and Guys and Dolls. The grand finale will feature a spectacular fireworks display with Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, accompanied by live cannons from the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard). The program will be led by guest conductor John Devlin, a thought leader in the field of classical music and Music Director of the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra.

“I’m honored to conduct such a fine symphony as the ASO,” says Maestro Devlin. “The Birthday Celebration has been a tradition for decades, cherished by the community. I’m excited to be a part of this wonderful event.”

As ASO partners in the celebration, the ASO thanks its concert sponsors: McEnearney Associates Realtors, Caudron Megary Blackburn Wealth Management, Chadwicks, and the City of Alexandria.

“This well-loved annual event brings our city together,” says ASO Executive Director George Hanson. “We’re honored to serve the community once again, thanks to the support of the City of Alexandria and our business partnerships.”

The Alexandria Birthday Celebration is free and open to the public in Oronoco Bay Park, 100 Madison Street, Alexandria. The park opens at 5:00 p.m. with food vendors; live opening entertainment begins at 6:00 p.m. The City’s presentation with Mayor Wilson and cupcakes starts at 7:00 p.m. The ASO’s concert begins at 8:30 p.m. with fireworks at 9:30 p.m. [SEE ALSO: Celebrate July 4th at George Washington’s Mount Vernon]


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