Sgt. Michael Rossiter of the Alexandria Police Department Receives Award for Leadership and Community Outreach

ALEXANDRIA, VA – On Thursday, June 29, Sgt. Michael Michael Rossiter of the Alexandria Police Department received the Blue Chevalier Award.for his “excerptional” leadership in law enforcement, according to a press release.
The award was given by the North Old Town Independent Citizen Association (NOTICe) and La Société des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux (The Society of Forty Men and Eight Horses). The latter organization, more commonly reffered to as “The Forty & Eight,” is an independent Veterans association that accepts members by invitation only.
“Sgt. Rossiter has upheld the highest standards for a law enforcement officer and went well beyond his duties to help establish the strong community relationships that the Alexandria Police Department enjoys with its community,” the press release reads.
Rossiter is dedicated to community outreach. For the last decade, he has supported Old Town North., maintaing his pressence in that community. He regularly attends meetings held by the neighborhood civic association and provides security tips abd other information to residents.
To help at-risk youth, he created the Alexandria Youth Program in 2015. It operated for three years, succeeding in forming a bond between youth and the police department. Through interactive lessons once a week, those in attendance learned about APD’s different units and the law enforcement profession in general. Upon completion of the program, participants earned a certificate and were invited to attend community events with police officers.
Rossiter also designed the Summer Police Academy, a similar outreach program. In partnership with the Department of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Activities, the academy took place in multiple locations throughout the city. In 2017 and 2018, 730 youths combined took part.
Vice Mayor Amy Jackson and Councilmember Aliya Gaskins attended the award ceremony. Gaskins presented the award with NOTICe President Mace Carpenter. [SEE ALSO: Burke & Herbert Bank’s Parent Company Now on Nasdaq]