
As Fall Arrives in ALX, Not Just Nature Transforms; Your Finances Can Too

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By Carrie Lazar, CDMP, PCM

Alexandria, VA – As the leaves change color and the air turns crisper, it’s not just nature that transforms; your finances can too.

The arrival of autumn presents the perfect opportunity to take a fresh look at your financial landscape. From budget adjustments to year-end planning, this article will guide you through the essential steps to prepare your finances for the fall season. Whether you’re saving for the holidays, considering tax strategies, or simply aiming for greater financial stability, these autumnal financial preparations will set you on the path to a secure and successful season ahead.

Here are some fall money moves to help you work toward your financial goals during the autumn season:

  1. Review Your Financial Goals: Take some time to revisit your financial goals and assess your progress. Adjust them if necessary to stay on track.
  2. Plan for Year-End Expenses: Start budgeting for upcoming holiday expenses, including gifts, travel, and parties. Setting aside money now can help you avoid overspending.
  3. Maximize Retirement Contributions: If you have a retirement account like a 401(k) or IRA, consider maximizing your contributions before the year ends to benefit from tax advantages.
  4. Tax Planning: Review your tax situation and consider tax-saving strategies, such as harvesting investment losses or making charitable donations.
  5. Healthcare Open Enrollment: If your employer offers healthcare open enrollment in the fall, review your options and make any necessary changes to your health insurance plan.
  6. Home Maintenance: Prepare your home for colder weather by conducting maintenance tasks like checking insulation, cleaning gutters, and servicing your heating system. Preventative measures can save you money in the long run.
  7. Fall Cleaning and Decluttering: Clean out your closets and consider selling or donating items you no longer need. The extra cash from selling items can boost your savings.
  8. Utility Bill Savings: As temperatures drop, find ways to reduce heating costs, such as sealing drafts and using a programmable thermostat.
  9. Holiday Savings Account: Consider opening a separate savings account specifically for holiday expenses. This can help you avoid using credit cards and incurring high-interest debt.
  10. Invest in Yourself: Use the fall season to invest in your skills and knowledge through courses or workshops that can enhance your earning potential.
  11. Rebalance Investments: Review your investment portfolio and rebalance it if necessary to maintain your target asset allocation.
  12. Insurance Review: Review your insurance policies, including home, auto, and life insurance. Ensure you have adequate coverage and compare quotes to potentially lower premiums.
  13. Set Up or Update an Emergency Fund: If you don’t already have one, establish an emergency fund or increase your existing fund to cover three to six months of living expenses.
  14. Meal Planning: Plan your meals for the season to reduce food waste and grocery expenses. Fall is a great time for hearty and budget-friendly recipes.
  15. Refinance Loans: Explore opportunities to refinance high-interest loans, such as student loans or mortgages, to secure lower interest rates.
  16. Holiday Budgeting: Create a detailed budget for holiday spending, including gifts, decorations, and travel expenses. Stick to this budget to avoid overspending.
  17. Review Subscriptions: Reevaluate your subscription services and cancel any that you no longer use or need.

These fall money moves can help you stay financially organized and make progress toward your financial goals as the year comes to a close.

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Carrie Lazar, CDMP, PCM is a Content Marketing & Communications Specialist with the U.S. Senate Federal Credit Union (

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