
Announcing the Presidential Volunteer Service Award Winners!

(Photos/graphics: VolALX)

By Marion Brunken

Alexandria, VA – VolALX is certified to hand out the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. Children and adults volunteering a certain amount of time are eligible for recognition. Congratulations to the following: The Teens Gold Medal (11-15 years old, 100+ hours) will be given to Willow Groehn, 252 hours served and Corey Hess-Nelson, 243 hours served. Both volunteered with the Alexandria Library System.
The Adult Gold Medal (26+ years old, 500+ hours) will be given to Laura Kopelson, who volunteered 567 hours with Alexandria Library; Helen Morris, 1920 hours and Janet Fleetwood, 768 hours both volunteered with Alexandria Seaport Foundation; Nancy Lee, who volunteered 670 hours with the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria; Annabelle Manyo-Hicks, 580 hours and Lydia Guirguis, 1094 hours both volunteered with the City of Alexandria Sexual Assault Center; and Judd Isbell served 538 hours with the Friends of the Mount Vernon Trail.

Volunteer Alexandria (VolALX) engages and mobilizes volunteers in service activities that deliver tangible benefits to Alexandria’s nonprofits, individuals, and families in need. Our role is to help people of all ages and backgrounds interested in volunteering to find a perfect match. Being engaged in community is good for body, mind, and soul and offering safe and meaningful opportunities is vital for the health of this community. It reduces isolation and loneliness.

In April, we celebrated and thanked all volunteers who have donated time and talent to nonprofit and city agencies to help those in need. Over 1,800 volunteers ages 6 and older donated almost 40,000 hours!
Special thanks went to Tricia Rodgers, who has volunteered countless years to help improve the health of all Alexandrians; Mary Emerick, Laura Robertson, and Mary Beth Cockerham who volunteered for Capital Caring Health; Mary Wadland, The Zebra Press; Kendra Burlingame who donated time to SCAN of Northern Virginia; and Maddy Sleeter, who spent time with the Friends of Mt. Vernon Trail.

Looking for something to do? Visit volunteeralexandria.org/volunteer-sign-up TODAY!

Thank you to everyone who donated to VolALX through Spring2ACTion! Because of you, we can INSPIRE, MOBILIZE & CONNECT more people to important community needs.

The Old Town Arts & Crafts Fair, hosted by Volunteer Alexandria is scheduled for Saturday, June 8, at the Waterfront Park, Old Town Alexandria, 10-6 p.m.
The fair features local and regional artists and crafters who showcase their pieces across various mediums, including pottery, stationery, fabrics, paintings, jewelry, photography, and more. Food and beer available. More details can be found at volunteeralexandria.org/arts-and-crafts-festival.

Help Grow a Local Youth Organization by being an Ambassador – The Fly Minds Youth Development Club is looking for Ambassadors to represent their organization at meetings, identify new partners, and increase awareness of their organization.
Answer Calls from Domestic Violence Victims – Provide relief and resources in people’s time of need for the City of Alexandria Domestic Violence Hotline. Volunteers are needed for weekend or overnight shifts.
Promote Stories of Immigrant Youth – Liberty’s Promise is seeking a Media Relations & Marketing Volunteer to lead media engagement efforts. The volunteer would establish media contacts, develop press releases, and promote events.
Volunteer at the Arts and Crafts Fair – Volunteers are needed to help VolALX check in vendors, set up tents, help vendors move their items to their assigned spot, answer questions, and more. Onsite training provided. Shifts available.
Register for any of the following activities at www.volunteeralexandria.org

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