Alexandria School Board Adopts $361M Budget for FY 2024

ALEXANDRIA, VA – At its June 1 meeting, the Alexandria School Board adopted the FY 2024 Combined Funds Budget of $361.9 million. The group also approved the budget for Capital Improvement Programs (CIP) of $51.3 million.
“With the Board’s adoption of the Final FY 2024 Budget, we are able to bolster employee retention and recruitment efforts so our students continue to have the amazing teachers we are so proud of in our classrooms,” Interim Superintendent Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt said. “We also appreciate the resources that support innovation and well-being which are vital to positively impacting our learning environments and student success.”
The Combined Funds Budget includes funding for grants, special projects, and School Nutrition Services. It also includes funding for the operation of the school system at $333.4 million. That figure is a 4.2 percent increase from the previous budget, and as a result, teachers will see an increase in salary and benefits,. This ensures that Alexandria City Public Schools can keep and recruit the finest staff.
Other important parts of the Operating Budget include hiring for English Learner instruction, security, k-Grade 4 literacy, and high school math.
The decade-long CIP includes for $460.8 million to support the renovation cost of 1703 N. Beauregard St. and new buildings for George Mason Elementary and Cora Kelly School. The amount will also allow for textbook purchases, vehicle replacements, and the funding of certain non-capacity projects.
“The FY 2024 budget for Alexandria City Public Schools reflects a tremendous amount of work by staff, Interim Superintendent Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt and our Board, as well as our collaboration with City of Alexandria leaders and community members. It ensures funding for our top priorities – student learning, staff compensation, security and facilities,” said Board Chair Meagan L. Alderton. “It is critical that we have the budget resources in place to support our teachers and students and advance academic excellence in ACPS in the coming school year.”
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