
Call for Artists: City of Alexandria Seeking Artwork for Old Town North Storm Drain Covers

Phoot by Thom Masat on Unsplash

ALEXANDRIA, VA-The City of Alexandria is inviting artists 18 and older who live and work in Virginia, Maryland, or the District of Columbia to submit their application to create an original design for stormwater covers and the surrounding concrete apron within Old Town North.

Specific proposals are not requested at this time; however the submission deadline is April 30 at 6 p.m.

The City will commission up to three (3) artists to create up to two (2) original, site specific designs with a budget of $2,000 to design their artworks. The designs will be cast on approximately 24 stormwater covers throughout Old Town North, with a focus on Fairfax Street.  Artists will be required to visit the area and create a design that is representative and inspired by Old Town North. Opportunities to include the stormwater “apron” in the design will also be reviewed as part of this project.

For information about the project and a link to the application, visit the Public Art in Old Town North project website.

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