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Volunteers, Sponsors, and Homeowners Needed

Alexandria’s National Rebuilding Day on April 30

Rebuilding Together Alexandria is seeking limited income, elderly, veteran, and disabled homeowners who need help maintaining their homes for

repair projects during National Rebuilding Day as well as volunteers and sponsors to help fix and maintain the homes of these vulnerable Alexandria, Va. residents.   More than 800 volunteers will restore and upgrade homes for residents during this nationwide Rebuilding Together initiative.

With the help of funders and volunteers, Rebuilding Together Alexandria works to stabilize and revitalize the Alexandria community by providing free, safe, and healthy home repairs that help preserve housing affordability.  These upgrades are important since most of Rebuilding Together Alexandria’s clients live near the poverty level.  Rebuilding Together Alexandria has worked on more than 1,800 projects in Alexandria since its inception nearly 30 years ago, improving the lives of thousands.

Sponsor and volunteer deadline is April 10 for this April 30, 2016 event for locations all over Alexandria.

Teams of volunteers will make home improvements, such as repairing windows and doors, replacing cabinets, installing grab bars and safety rails, painting, doing yard work, installing smoke detectors, building raised vegetable gardens, and weatherizing.

To volunteer or apply to have a home fixed, contact Rebuilding Together Alexandria at 703-836-1021 or visit




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