The Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities presented its annual awards at a reception co-hosted with Mayor Allison Silberberg and the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce in Council Chambers at City Hall on Tuesday, June 19, 2018, at 5:30 p.m.
The reception was sponsored by APTA (American Physical Therapist Association).
The Gerry Bertier Scholarship was presented to T.C. Williams High School Student, Jayla Gaskins, who would like to study journalism. The merit-based scholarship is given to a City of Alexandria resident with a disability or to a student at a school located in the City of Alexandria who seeks post-secondary education. Photo by Lucelle O’Flaherty
The John Duty Collins III Outstanding Advocate Award recognized Josh Baker, General Manager of DASH Bus, as an advocate for persons with disabilities and included a $500 donation in his name to an organization of his choice that contributes to the promotion of equal opportunity for persons with disabilities. John Duty Collins III’s sister, Susan Collins, and his 98-year old mother, Virginia Collins, were present for ceremony.
In conjunction with the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, two additional Disability Awareness Awards were presented to outstanding businesses demonstrating heightened awareness: Alexandria Children’s Dentistry and Inova Alexandria Hospital. Alexandria Children’s Dentistry of Del Ray makes a commitment to promote positive awareness among its employees of the needs of customers with disabilities or otherwise makes special efforts to render its goods or services accessible to persons with disabilities; Inova Alexandria Hospital makes a commitment to hire persons with disabilities or aid employees with disabilities to further their careers. From left to right kin above photo, Brian Miller (Chair of Commission), Josh Baker (General Manager of Dash Bus and recipient of The John Duty Collins III Award), Joe Haggerty (The Alexandria Chamber of Commerce CEO), Susan Collins and Virginia Collins (Sponsor of The John Duty Collins III Award), Jayla Gaskins (The Gerry Bertier Award), Mayor Allison Silberberg, Susan Carroll (Inova Alexandria Hospital), Dr. Angela Austin (Alexandria Children’s Dentistry). Photo by Lucelle O’Flaherty
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